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Testimonial ABOUT TRACY 

To see the most current reviews be sure to google Tracy Cuneo to see Google Reviews !

I was so fortunate to have Tracy as my midwife having with my third child Asan in October of 2020. I wasn’t comfortable having my baby at the hospital (especially these days). Tracy did an amazing job guiding and leading me on my path to having a healthy baby in a safe an comfortable environment!"Nazgul Goodyear

Tracy is the best! My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. It happened over a weekend, and Tracy was available to take my calls and answer my questions, as well as give direction on what to do and making sure I was properly taken care of. She checked in on me several months after my miscarriage and really just cared about me as a person.
Tracy delivered my first daughter at my home at 3am. I had a water birth, and she was very knowledgeable and acted quickly and professionally to insure the health and safety of my daughter and myself. My husband was able to be involved as well.
Tracy delivered my second daughter in 2020, and provided the same level of excellent care.
She took safety measures and followed Covid guidelines during each of my pre/post-natal appointments.
She was available night and day to answer my questions and concerns about anything.
I love that Tracy really cares about each of her clients and provides thorough care. She respects you and makes you aware of all your options and choices concerning birth. She has a library of resources available to help educate you and your family"  Emily Miller

"I don't have enough good things to say about Tracy. She is so knowledgeable

and caring. My fourth pregnancy was my healthiest pregnancy because I had Tracy's support and knowledge through it all. She spends quality time with

you at each appointment and I never felt rushed or unheard. My 4th birth

was my best yet! Tracy believed in me so I believed in myself! Her care didn't

stop after the baby was born. She comes to check on you several times after

the baby is born and texts and calls just to see how things are going. She

truly cares and loves what she does. I would recommend Tracy to any

expectant momma!"  Dora Linville, 9/13/17


"We love Tracy!! We had our second baby a big ole 10lb boy in January

of 2017, and we are so thankful that her loving and knowledgeable

hands were there to catch our little one. She has great credentials and experience. She attended a formal midwives college and has experience learning abroad. She keeps up with continuing education and is knowledgeable and passionate. Her and I had many wonderful conversations during my prenatal appointments. She's readily available to her clients and provides a quality of personal care you'd never receive from a doctor or

even a birth center practice. Overall she is a fantastic choice!! I highly recommend her to help bring your little bundle earthside!!"

Hope Ledbetter Fitch, 5/1/17

"Tracy is wonderful! She has helped me achieve 2 amazing, peaceful, natural births. I can't recommend her highly enough!"  Amanda McLeod

"I delivered my very stubborn, breech little girl. Thanks to Dr. Bootstaylor, I was able to deliver her in a natural, vaginal birth.
I wanted take a minute to share my story for all the women out there who may have a breech baby and feel forced to have a csection because there is nothing in this world I am more THANKFUL for then my healthy babies and doctors like Brad Bootstaylor.
When my 1st child was born, it was not a good experience. I delivered in a hospital and was pressured in to many decisions. Sadly, doctors now feel they have to CYA and do what is "standard of care" (aka what I call "please don't sue me care") and not what was best for me or my baby. When I found out I was pregnant the second time, I knew I had to go a different route to achieve the birth I wanted. I have always said doing the same thing but expecting different results is pretty dumb, so I vowed to be smarter this time around.
After a lot of research, I decided to do a home birth with a midwife who I loved and trusted to help me achieve the birth I desperately wanted. Fortunately, Dr. B is the back up doctor to my midwife so I saw him at 20 weeks, and again at 30 weeks and 36 weeks.
At 30 weeks, my baby was breech, so I started down the path to turn her. Chiropractor, acupuncture, PT, spinning babies. I gave it all a shot! But when my water broke at 38 weeks, I went to my local hospital with my midwife and they confirmed what we both already knew, she was still breech. They told us they would start prepping for a c-section. No choice. No options. Surgery. So I got my fat, pregnant butt, out of that bed and walked out. They chased me down the hall, but I wasn't backing down. I knew Dr. Bootstaylor needed to deliver my baby the RIGHT way...naturally. And he did just that.
This Thanksgiving as I sit around my dinner table, I am thankful for Dr. Bootstaylor, Tracy Cuneo, and Christina Pruitt. Words can't express my gratitude for each of you."  Brooke Svoboda, 11/9/17

"5 stars aren't enough! Tracy was my doula with my first two babies and my midwife with my third-- she is incredible! Her support and encouragement is what helped me have all of my children naturally."  Bethany Camp

"Tracy is so wonderful! She was a doula for me for my daughter Victoria and was a tremendous help, comfort, and encourager! I would not have had a natural birth if it weren't for her graceful presence and expertise on childbirth. She is very knowledgeable and has a lot of good experience! I highly recommend Tracy"  Leah Luna 


"I could not have gotten through natural childbirth without her!"

Laura Waller Smith, mom of seven


"She was wonderful. She really helped the patient. Very knowledgeable!"

Labor and Delivery  R.N. 


"I had a successful VBAC. I know I would not have had it if it had not been

for Tracy's support, education, and consistent encouragement!"

Shahla Patrylo, mom of four



"Tracy's knowledge and presence as a Birth Doula was better than I ever could have imagined. My wife was in labor for an exhausting 70+ hours. Her patience and determination encouraged Jamey and me to persevere to the end. I would've lost it without Tracy. She is definitely a Godsend." Eric Barnes, father of five



 "I am certain that without Tracy's expert help, my extremely long labor would not have ended up as a successful vbac. I will be recommending her to all my friends who become pregnant."  Jamey Barnes, mom of two; after 73 hours of labor




"I met Tracy Cuneo, during my 7 month of pregnancy and I think during that time I was in denial of the whole labor and delivery process. I think I assumed that I would schedule a C-section and get it over with and just take home my baby.   I’m also a single mom by choice so I didn’t exactly have a partner to support me in labor, although my mom was supportive she is not really good in emergency situations.

Pre labor Doula: After attending a breastfeeding class, Tracy introduced herself and explained what a Birth Doula is, and what services are offered by Doulas.  After our initial discussion I became aware that I could create the labor & delivery birth that I wanted to have and I realized that I really didn’t want a c-section, which involved longer post partum recovery.  I discovered that I really wanted a “natural” as possible birth, and I wanted to bond as soon as possible with my newborn.  There were so many different options available to me, and Tracy educated me, so that I was able to make decisions and to communicate my decisions to my medical practitioners.  The pre delivery services that Tracy provided were meeting with me several times at my house to discuss my birth needs and desires, she provided several birth DVD and reading materials.  Additionally, she accompanied me to a prenatal OB/GYN appointment, she met my doctor and was able to help me understand some of the medical terminology and options available to me.   

Labor & Delivery Doula: The support that Tracy provided during the labor was invaluable.  At the onset of my labor Tracy created a tranquil environment in my hospital room.   And throughout my 15 hours of labor Tracy worked with me on different exercises, positions to relieve the discomfort of labor and to help increase my dilation.  During every contraction she was there to talk me through it and provided positive feedback and reinforcement that I could handle the next coming contraction.  Throughout my entire labor I felt “totally taken care of” by Tracy, my every need was taken care of.   I firmly believe that Tracy’s experience as being a mother, and experienced Doula and a woman made her uniquely qualified to sense what was needed during my labor. 

I was so happy and satisfied with my labor & delivery experience.   Although I am entirely grateful to my doctor and the nursing staff I feel that my positive birth experience is directly a result of the hard work and effort of my Doula, Tracy.  Tracy visited me while in the hospital and also another home visit, to follow-up with how I and the baby were doing.   Tracy has also been available to me via telephone and email and I feel I can contact her any time for any questions and advice. I am very grateful to Tracy for making my birth a beautiful experience."  Debra Brown, mom  of one



"We decided to go natural around month 7 and were a little nervous about being able to find support. It was a last minute decision and we had missed our opportunity to sign up for support classes. Luckily after some Googling we came across Tracy's website. We submitted our info and received a call the same day. We explained our concerns and after one meeting we knew we wanted her in the delivery room with us. Tracy is warm, calm, strong and a great listener. She made us feel comfortable throughout the entire labor and delivery and even though we were in labor for 40 hours she stayed there the entire time. She truly loves what she does and it shows! Now our precious baby girl is here and there is no way we could have done it without Tracy. Thanks Tracy, we love you!"----Amy Caldarera , mom of Zoey, born breech NORMALLY, after 40 hours of labor



"Best prenatal decision I made! Throughout my pregnancy, Tracy was a great resource for both of us and even enhanced my husband’s role by providing us both with a wealth of childbirth information. Tracy is the consummate professional and offers clients an incredible wealth of knowledge. She was a fantastic resource and loaned us several books and DVDs and introduced us to some great websites. She also assisted us with writing our birth plan. Tracy took time to get to know us and our childbirth preferences and goals. She did not prescribe any processes, methods or procedures but provided us with balanced information about all of our options. Throughout my pregnancy, Tracy was always available and approachable. She made both of us feel comfortable asking questions. In addition to meeting with us several times, she checked in with me via e- mail and phone and sent me relevant journal articles – always with citations so I knew the source of the information. All of this allowed us to make informed decisions and helped me to know what questions to ask my health care providers. I went into labor relaxed and confident and more excited than nervous. During my nineteen and half hours of labor, she was a constant, calming influence for me and my husband. In addition, she helped us navigate hospital standard procedures and medical jargon. Because of Tracy’s assistance, I was well-prepared and had the birth I wanted".-----Tanya




"Tracy provided excellent support before and during my labor. I don't think I could have made it without her! I was set on having a natural birth experience, but when I developed pre-eclampsia I was devastated, thinking my goal would be unachievable. Tracy helped me make it through the tough Pitocin induction, and provided great massage techniques that my husband used to ease my contractions. She also reminded me of my goals when I started to demand an Epidural. She was fabulous and because of this great experience I'll have a doula at all my births to come".---Ashley Alliston

My experience with Tracy as my doula was great! She taught my that i was in control of my labor, not anybody else!  Not only was she great support during pregnancy and labor, but she also helped me postpartum. She was able to answer all my "new Mom" questions and she was emotional support on the tough days since i was dealing with postpartum depression.  My goal was to have a natural child birth and I did it! I honestly could not have done it without her. Tracy's friendly personality and calm voice really helped me relax in labor .I was able to use coping techniques she taught me in her Lamaze class. Over all, the experience was wonderful. I'm currently pregnant with my second child and Tracy is my doula for this baby as well! I look forward to another great labor experience with her. ---Bethany Camp


Tracy was my doula with my third birth. I was completely blown away by how comforting I found her presence during my labor. I already knew her to be a warm, inviting person from our meetings prior to the birth, but there aren't really words to express the level of peace that she brought to me as I labored and delivered my baby. As labor advances and women tend to draw inward, it is easy to feel alone in those final moments before the baby arrives (even with good support), but Tracy was able to meet me within that place.

I was also extremely impressed by how well Tracy handled the practical aspects surrounding the birth. I had anticipated a longer labor than I got with my third baby, and we had planned for Tracy to meet us at home, labor there for a while, and then caravan to the hospital. However, an hour into my labor, I realized the baby was coming very quickly & called Tracy to tell her. My husband raced me to the hospital, where Tracy was waiting for me at the door & had an attendant with a wheelchair ready to take me my room. I delivered my baby 20 minutes later. What could have been a chaotic event was instead smooth and really beautiful, thanks to Tracy.---Amanda McLeod

"Tracy was SO amazing, I don't know how we would've survived without her! We found her from Intown Midwifery's list of referred doulas, and after meeting with her the first time we knew she'd be a perfect fit. Her wisdom and knowledge in the area of pregnancy and childbirth is amazing, it really is a gift! We had some unique situations pop up in the last trimester of my pregnancy, and she was so great about offering up suggestions and holistic options for us to look into. She was AMAZINGLY supportive and encouraging throughout the pregnancy and childbirth. Even though this is our second child, we were going for a VBAC so we were total rookies at the whole thing. We ended up going in for an induction which ended up being a really long labor and delivery, and she was there for what felt like forever, and if she wasn't helping me she was helping my husband, encouraging us, patiently assisting, offering labor techniques and suggestions, making sure I was staying nourished, heating up the amazingly magical rice sock over and over again... she was such a vital part of the whole process for us, I really don't know what we would've done otherwise! We (finally) had accomplished the drug-free natural VBAC we were hoping for and have a beautiful baby boy to show for it... She's been such a blessing to our family, and I know she will be for many other families too! This is her gift. Watch her do her thing and be amazed". :)---Audra Star


"Tracy was an amazing Doula!  I knew that I wanted a natural childbirth and a Doula was the perfect option to help me with this.  After talking with Tracy about my needs, I knew she could help us with the childbirth process. 

My husband and I took her childbirth classes.  I recommend taking her class also!  We learned so much more than we knew.  They also allowed my husband to be prepared since this was our first child.  

When I went into labor Tracy was the first person I called and she helped me prepare for the birth mentally before we went to the hospital.  When it was time to go to the hospital at 2:30am she was there to meet us and stayed calm and caring for us.  As my labor progressed she helped direct my husband to be the best birthing partner I could imagine.

Tracy stayed with us for a long time after our daughter arrived and was even more helpful when we got home.  Once home, she helped me with breastfeeding and swaddling when I was still so confused with it all.

My husband and I are so thankful we had Tracy as our Doula.  When we decide to expand our family we will have Tracy with us again!"---Jessica Stroud


"Tracy was a God-send! I recently moved to the area a couple months before I was due with our second child and didn’t know very many providers or hospitals. My first child was a cesarean and I had a lot of complications. I desperately wanted to do a natural, drug-free, low intervention VBAC with our second child. Tracy has so much experience as a doula and was familiar with all of the hospitals and doctors in the area which was a big help. She was able to offer sound advice and answer all of my questions no matter how small. She is so passionate about birth and I feel that her educational training as a midwife makes her stand out from all of the other doulas in the Atlanta area. She just intuitively knows how to make you feel comfortable and safe. I absolutely could not have successfully had a drug-free VBAC birth in a hospital setting without her! If I have any more children, I would definitely use her again either as a doula or a midwife if she is done with her schooling then.

Ericka Knipp

"Tracy Cuneo was my doula for the birth of my two sons two years apart. She was an incredible support. My first labor was 37 hours long. She helped us cope with the work and understand what was normal. It was a relief to have her as support when my husband felt unsure or overwhelmed. I credit having her support as the reason I was able to go 32 hours of the first labor all naturally and the entire second birth naturally. She supported me in my meditation and relaxation. I hoped for all natural births for both, but ended up with an epidural on the first one. I know with Tracy's help and if I had better and more supportive doctors, that she would have helped me get that natural birth. After changing providers, the second birth was much better and completely natural. She knew how to help me without me having to try to explain. I feel she has an intuition to know what a laboring mother needs. She was so grounded and strong which helped me feel more confident in myself. She was so prepared and had so many tools to help me be the most comfortable. I was amazed at all the things she had packed with her and ready. I would highly recommend her to others."----Tanya Christensen


"I contacted Tracy on the recommendation of the lovely ladies at Intown Midwifery, and I am so thankful that I did! Before our initial meeting I had interviewed several other potential doulas, and I knew I needed someone down to earth who wasn't too much of a hippie but who also listened to and addressed my first-time-mother concerns.  Tracy was very warm and immediately made me feel at ease. She has so much knowledge and information, not only from her DONA certification and professional coursework but also from her own personal experiences as a mother. Tracy and I met three times before the birth and I felt well prepared for the big day.  My pregnancy went two weeks past the due date, and Dr. Bootstaylor suggested that I have an induction because of dangerously low amniotic fluid.  Tracy made me feel empowered and capable, even though the birth took an unexpected turn.  The day of the induction, she arrived early and immediately jumped into action: She brought her suitcase of goodies and began a foot massage as the contractions set in.  For the next 12 hours Tracy never left my side.  She effectively coached my husband so they both could help ease my pain.  She had me try several labor and birth positions until we found one that worked for me.  She was such an encouragement saying, "Great job, Sarah.  You're almost there.  Push with all your might." There is absolultely no way I could have had the natural, water birth that I wanted without her help, and we plan to hire her again for the birth of our future children.   Tracy was available by phone, text, and email before and even after the birth of my child.  She helped me establish breastfeeding and still serves as a point-of-contact for all my baby related questions.  I have never heard a bad word about Tracy.  All of her clients have great experiences and she is very reputable.  Tracy is a true Godsend!"  ----Sarah Boyd


"Tracy was wonderful! I consider myself to know quite a bit about childbirth, considering I have worked for Lamaze International for several years, but Tracy provided a wealth of knowledge and support above and beyond! I hired her as our doula in addition to taking her childbirth education classes. As our doula, she met all of our needs and expectations. She was always reachable with questions, was punctual to appointments and answered ALL of my questions. Although my birth was super-quick and she wasn't able to provide some of the more typical doula labor support duties, she jumped right in where she could and helped by taking pictures of the birth and our new baby, providing amazing immediate postpartum support and acting as my extra voice after delivery to let the nurses know, tactfully but firm, that "no, she does not want her baby wrapped in a blanket -- she wants skin to skin!" I highly recommend Tracy as a doula -- she knows her stuff (not to mention, she's a mother to 11 babies!), provides you with evidence-based information to help make your decisions surrounding birth, and is respectful of your birth plan. She also provides intimate knowledge of the Atlanta area OB/GYN and midwife practitioners, and hospitals. For women who want the best in maternity care, this kind of knowledge is priceless." ----  Cara Terreri


"I delivered two of my three children with Tracy Cuneo as my doula. i would have had all of them with her but unfortunately i didn't meet her until about a year after my first child was born! Tracy was a great help to me during my extremely long labors. Im talking labors spanning multiple days! Tracy was a wonderful help to me while i labored at home, as well as when i was admitted to the hospital. she always helped me remember to ask, "What are the risks? What are the benefits?" before accepting any interventions. Having her help me think clearly was one of the biggest helps to me during labor since most of my decisions would have been rash and out of desperation. I had two successful v-bacs with Tracy as my doula and I always tell people i would NOT have been able to do it without her! Tracy is dependable, encouraging, and just what a woman in labor needs. I can't wait to hire her for our next labor and delivery."

Jamey Barnes


"Hiring a Doula, and Tracy specifically, was one of the best decisions my husband and I made throughout the pregnancy and birth.  I sent an inquiry to Tracy just weeks before my due date and she called minutes later and we set up a time to meet.  After the initial meeting she came to our house for two additional meetings plus one after the birth.  She recommended books, DVDs, exercises, (and provided copies of most of these for us to borrow) and helped me refine my birth plan.  It was such a great assurance having her there to call on when I had questions about something, and she asked that I check in with her after each doctor's appointment.  When I had trouble after the birth with breastfeeding she gave a lot of great advice and guidance and reassurance that I needed to continue and not give up.  My labor ended up being about 24 hours long and Tracy was there for me from the moment we asked her to come join us at my home through the delivery at the hospital and a while after.  She guided my husband through a lot of what would be helpful to me (they took turns applying pressure to my back and hips) and brought a whole suitcase full of items that made for a more relaxing environment in the hospital.  She did massage, encouraged me to keep trying different positions, and most of all encouraged me through the really tough points.  Having her there to say "you can do this, I know you can" and other words of encouragement were invaluable.  My husband is glad we had Tracy by our side and says it's one of the best decisions we made.  I had a very difficult delivery and Tracy was able to explain to me what happened (even when the doctors and nurses were not making sense to me) and advised on what I needed to do to take care of myself and heal properly over the coming weeks."

Liana Hall


"Tracy is the best doula one could ever imagine. I met her during my first pregnancy in 2009-2010. Her experience, patience, and knowledge on birth and motherhood made me feel confident she was the one for us. Tracy came to our home for all visits and met with my husband and me at a time that was convenient for us. She answered all of our questions and offered resources on where I could search for more information on what to expect. I watched dozens of videos, read lots of books and reviewed several websites to learn how pregnancy and birth are normal and realized that in order to have a good experience I needed to relax and allow my body to do what it was designed to do. I then felt empowered enough to make informed decisions so that I could have the best birthing experience possible. With that said the day of my first child's birth I felt confident, prepared and knew what I could expect. She helped guide me through the most difficult part of the birth. I felt like I was about to have a meltdown, but her calm-nature was able to divert my attention from the pain. She had me focus on my breathing. My husband, was great, but had no clue as to how to help comfort me in the pain the way Tracy did.  With the second birth, in 2012, Tracy was there by my side once again. I was so glad, because my husband was out of town and I needed someone there to support me through the birthing process. Tracy entered the room and facilitated a warm and friendly environment for a truly spiritual experience. This time I had a waterbirth and a delivery I will never forget and I am glad that Tracy was there to help "catch" my baby (the midwives did not arrive in time). It was a beautiful and miraculous time and am grateful to Tracy for helping to empower me to have such great birthing experiences. Both were over in about 9 hours from the start of labor to the birth."----Maria P. Bazile


"We hired Tracy after taking her child birth classes, which I would highly recommend.  She is very educated on labor and child birth and also has a lot of personal experience.  She educated us on the options available to us during labor and helped us to select a practice that met what we were looking for.  She helped prepare us for labor and delivery.  She was very helpful during labor and helped me to have the best labor and delivery possible.  She was also very helpful post partum with breast feeding and any questions I had.  I would highly recommend Tracy as a doula."  ---Rebekah Autry


"I knew long before I got pregnant that I wanted a natural birth and I knew that I would need a doula to help me achieve this goal. Tracy educated my husband and myself in Lamaze classes which helped us to be prepared for our child's birth day. Tracy is great to have in the labor/delivery room as you can ask her questions and she will not tell you what to do, but she will give you options. For example, a nurse wanted to draw my blood when I was in active labor. I first agreed but then asked Tracy if it was necessary. She told me that it was not necessary and I could refuse. She knows how to work with doctors and midwives and she knows the "rules" of the hospitals and she knows how to get around them (just like the nurse wanting to take my blood, the hospital would have never have told me it was optional). Tracy is encouraging, empowering, loving, amazing and I just can't say enough great things about her. Yes, a doula is an "option" and an additional cost, but the cost is well worth it. Thanks to Tracy's support I gave birth to my daughter naturally in the birthing tub. She is a great resource to have and I highly recommend her!"---Jessica Hutcheson

"When I arrived at the hospital that brisk January evening, I was whisked away to my delivery room in the wheelchair. I was in the second phase of labor, laughing between contractions as my mom, Al, the nurse, and I rushed from the check in desk up to the Maternity floor and finally to my room where my baby would enter this world. As I close my eyes now I can remember vividly how relaxing the atmosphere of my delivery room was. To my mom's surprise (mother of 5) the ceiling lights were dimmed and electric candles were flickering which provided a warm & cozy feel to the room. The soothing sounds of relaxation music accompanied by nature sounds (ocean waves, birds, rain) eased my mind for the challenging task ahead of me. The calming aroma of my favorite essential oil, lavendar, permeated the room, the pillows on the bed, and the heating sock. And who was awaiting my arrival with a warm smile on her face? Tracey Cuneo, my birthing planner...the answer to my prayers. She helped me write out my birth plan in the weeks leading up to the birth. She's an experienced doula, certified Lamaze teacher, and mom of ten children all in one. She educated my husband and I about labor options,and and taught me how to achieve a natural birth, & helped me avoid a c-section!  She recommended awesome books to read, what baby things to buy, & what exercises really help (before and during labor). She visited me several times after my hospital stay to make sure I was transitioning well into "mommyhood" (breastfeeding, getting help from family, resting). This woman knows educators who come to your home on your schedule! Tracey Cuneo will connect you with the right people! She taught Al and I how to communicate effectively with medical staff which enabled me to get the birth I wanted. She's passionate about all that she does for her clients. I am so blessed to have been one of them and so would you!"---Andrea Munroe

"Tracy was instrumental in making our son's birth absolutely beautiful!!  From the beginning of the experience of working with her, she was supportive and encouraging, even recommending a midwife that I switched to in order to have the natural birth that I wanted.  Tracy paid attention to every detail during my labor, from the music, lighting, and aromatherapy to keeping me hydrated and fed.  And she is an absolutely lovely person who helped to make the labor room a peaceful and positive atmosphere.  I highly recommend Tracy to everyone who is seeking a beautiful birth!" ---Rachel Ragan


"We decided to go natural around month 7 and were a little nervous about being able to find support. It was a last minute decision and we had missed our opportunity to sign up for support classes. Luckily after some Googling we came across Tracy's website. We submitted our info and received a call the same day. We explained our concerns and after one meeting we knew we wanted her in the delivery room with us. Tracy is warm, calm, strong and a great listener. She made us feel comfortable throughout the entire labor and delivery and even though we were in labor for 40 hours she stayed there the entire time. She truly loves what she does and it shows! Now our precious baby girl is here and there is no way we could have done it without Tracy. Thanks Tracy, we love you!" ---Amy Caldarera


"My husband and I met Tracy at the childbirth preparation class we attended at Fayette Piedmont Hospital. We had never heard of a doula, but after meeting Tracy we knew this was something we would explore. This was our first pregnancy, and we were very interested in having a natural childbirth. Throughout my pregnancy, Tracy was a great resource for both of us and even enhanced my husband’s role by providing us both with a wealth of childbirth information.

Tracy is the consummate professional and offers clients an incredible wealth of knowledge. She was a fantastic resource and loaned us several books and DVDs and introduced us to some great websites. She also assisted us with writing our birth plan. Tracy took time to get to know us and our childbirth preferences and goals. She did not prescribe any processes, methods or procedures but provided us with balanced information about all of our options. Throughout my pregnancy, Tracy was always available and approachable. She made both us feel comfortable asking questions. In addition to meeting with us several times, she checked in with me via e- mail and phone and sent me relevant journal articles – always with citations so I knew the source of the information. All of this allowed us to make informed decisions and helped me to know what questions to ask my health care providers.

I went into labor relaxed and confident and more excited than nervous. During my nineteen and half hours of labor, she was a constant, calming, compassionate influence for me and my husband. In addition, she helped us navigate hospital standard procedures and medical jargon. Because of Tracy’s assistance, I was well-prepared. Because of her presence, I was able to achieve the natural child birth I wanted.

Inviting Tracy to share in our first birth experience proved to be the best prenatal decision we made."--Tanya Smilley

"I didn't realize until late in my pregnancy how important a doula could be in helping me realize my birth goals. Tracy was wonderful from the in-home visits before I went into labor, phone support when I had questions, and of course, her support during the birth. She helped me to understand my birthing options before the actual event so that I would be best prepared. I wanted a natural birth and she helped me obtain this goal. I developed pre-eclampsia a few days after my due date and ended up with a Pitocin induction, greatly increasing my chances of receiving pain medication. Tracy helped tremendously by creating a soothing atmosphere in the birth suite and encouraging me to change positions while I labored. The massage techniques she showed my husband and mother helped me to handle the contractions, and her suggestion to labor in the shower (my hospital didn't have tubs) was heavenly--I loved it! It's difficult now to imagine my birth without her help and support. I will certainly have a doula (hopefully Tracy!) at my next birth".---Ashley



Serving Metro Atlanta, Georgia 

Tracy Cuneo,CPM, BSM

© 2016  Tracy Cuneo Designed with Wix tools by Renee Terralumina


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